
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Please bear with me...

I just spent the night in the hospital taking care of a medical issue.  I will share more details later but just wanted to offer an in advance explanation for lack of posts between friday and today and a definite light-load of posts to come.  I'm going to schedule some posts for you as I have time.  But I just wanted to be sure that you were aware that things will be abnormal for a few days ;)


donna said...

Sorry to hear you are having health issues. I hope all is better soon. I really enjoy your blog - your sense of humor is right up my alley! I will keep you in my prayers and hope to see more from you soon.

Carol said...

Thank you donna!!! I VERY MUCH appreciate the prayers. I need them, as do the doctors who are caring for me at this time...(Possibly most in need is the doc who was ugly to me today)

I am glad you like my sense of humor. I tried to be "Professional" for such a long time but it wasn't really me and I think I was boring and very dry. Just the facts. Now that I share with my sense of humor I think that people enjoy reading a lot more and I SURE enjoy writing a lot more. :) (I ALWAYS enjoyed writing but i enjoy it more now!)

syrena said...

Sorry to hear you are having a hard time! We will keep you in our prayers! I am a new "couponer" and you have inspired me!! I love your blog and your humor, so keep it up!! Take care of yourself!

momma-lana said...

Hope you are feeling better by now. I know about those ugly doctors as I am overweight too.

Carol said...

Syrena - thank you :) I'm glad that I inspire you! that is sweet of you to pray for me and think of me. Thank you :)

Momma-lana - i'm still not feeling great. The doctors are actually not upset with me over my weight. I actually lost 11 lbs in 4 was probably fluid but still. I also had a blood transfusion within those 4 days so it could be weirdness from that. who knows. :/

Antoinette said...

My family is sending warm wishe and prayers your way!

Carol said...

thank you antoinette. I appreciate that very much <3

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