The "I don't have a lot of out of pocket cash to pay for games **Edited TO ADD @ 7:27 PM 11/7/9** - Added a few more games to the post :)
Here is a link to the ad posted on
**EDITED TO ADD** - I've realized a few things since I posted this info this morning. The rebates will ONLY WORK if you get the games at Toys R Us (TRU) because the rebate deal is with Hasbro and TRU. So in the cases where the target coupons are listed - you might be able to get a great deal on that individual game at target with price matching. :) SO Sorry for any confusion :)
As seen over on in this post. Toys R us will be running a pretty sweet deal next week on some Hasbro Games!!
There are some great coupon and rebate matchups :)
The Rebate's limited to 1 per game per household and one rebate check will be issued per family, household or address. (In otherwords Submit your rebate stuff ALL TOGETHER!) Apparently the rebates ALSO only work on the straight up game or on exactly what is listed on the rebate form. So Princess Chutes & Ladders won't work for Chutes & Ladders :(
Toys R US is offering a free $10.00 gift card when you buy $25.00 worth of ANY HASBRO GAMES...
**Please Note: The Ad specifies ONE gift card per person and I wouldn't expect to be able to use the gift card right away - Last time I was there they told me I had to wait at least 6 hours before the card would be activated!!**
Some Games with REALLY GREAT SALES are listed below::
$3.99 Titles
Candy Land
-$2.00 Rebate
-$2.00 Rebate
*Disney Princess Chutes & Ladders
Ants in Pants
-$2.00 Rebate
*Chutes & Ladders Super Hero Squad
Hi-Ho Cheerio
-$2.00 Rebate
Dont Break The Ice
-$2.00 Rebate
-$2.00 Rebate
*Do not Qualify for $2.00 Rebate
$7.99 Titles:
Rubiks Cube
Rubiks Magic (The Amazing Folding puzzle)
Rubiks 360
Monopoly Jr. (Disney Channel Edition Pictured)
Boggle Jr
Clue Carnival
Scrabble Jr
Monopoly Deal
$9.99 Titles:
Mouse Trap
-$3.00 Rebate
Connect 4
-$3.00 Rebate
-$5.00 on purchase of 1 connect 4X4 game printable here. (if included)
-$5.00 on purchase of 1 connect 4 sponge bob printable here (if included)
Scrabble UPwords
Guess Who?
%50 off of Monopoly Electronic Banking (Makes it $14.99)
I included Target Coupon matchups because remember you can price match at Target :) If you can get more than $10.00 out of your target coupons i'd go there and price match instead of going for the TRU Gift Card!!!
Do you see any awesome scenarios and don't mind sharing? Please share in the comments section so we can all learn!!!!
Toys R US Scenarios:
right now" Scenario:
$9.99 Connect 4 -$3.00 Rebate
$3.99 Candy Land -$2.00 Rebate
$3.99 Chutes/ladders -$2.00 Rebate
$3.99 Ants in Pants -$2.00 Rebate
$3.99 Dont Break The Ice -$2.00 Rebate
$3.99 Memory -$2.00 Rebate
$29.94 total out of pocket
$10.00 Gift Card
$13.00 Rebates
$6.94 total paid for 6 games
The 10 game festival:
$9.99 Scrabble ($3.00)
$3.99 Candyland ($2.00)
$3.99 Chutes and Ladders ($2.00)
$3.99 Memory ($2.00)
$3.99 Hi Ho Cherry-O ($2.00)
$25.95 Total plus tax OOP
Get back:
$10.00 Gift card
$11.00 in Rebates
$4.95 total paid for 5 games!!! (.99 each!!)
Transaction 2: Buy:
$9.99 Connect 4 ($3.00)
$3.99 Cooties ($2.00)
$3.99 Don't Spill The Beans ($2.00)
$3.99 Don't Break the Ice ($2.00)
$3.99 Ants in the Pants ($2.00)
$25.95 Total
plus tax OOP
Get back:
$10.00 Gift Card
$11.00 in Rebates
$4.95 total paid for 5 games!!! (.99
$9.90 for 10 games or .99 each!!!
(Thanks hipychick from slickdeals!)
Any More?
**NOTE: This information came from various sources but deal credit absolutely goes to SUCHaDEAL over at slickdeals is his original post.
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