Yeah i'm about a week late - i know :( Last week was obscenely busy! There should be a law against a week being that busy! But I digress :) menu plan monday is a meme hosted by org junkie. Clickity here for more!
Here is my weekly plan:
11-1 Sunday - I never order out and need to celebrate something - PIZZA!!!
11-2 Monday - Homemade Chicken Nuggets GFCF (if you make them to her recipe!)
11-3 Tuesday - Crockpot Burritos - Doctors appt! - Gonna freeze the rest of the meat. GFCF!
11-4 Wednesday - Crockpot cranberry chicken
Doctors appt! GFCF!
11-5 Thursday - ?????????????????????
Doctors appt!11-6 Friday - Caramel Apple Pork Chops
11-7 Saturday - ???????????????????????
For more menu plan ideas check this link
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